Tuesday 29 May 2012

Add Follow Buttons below every blog posts in Blogger

Your Follow Buttons would look like this
To add Follow Buttons below every blog posts in Blogger, follow this steps:

  • Sign in to Blogger

  • Goto: Template > Edit HTML > Check/Tick Expand Widget Templates

  • Find <span class='post-comment-link'>

  • You would find 2 search result. You would have to consider the first result.

  • Now paste this below code above the search result(first one)

<p>Follow YOUR NAME on</p>
<div class='addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style'>
<a addthis:userid='YOUR_FB_PROFILE' class='addthis_button_facebook_follow'/>
<a addthis:userid='YOUR_TWITTER_USERNAME' class='addthis_button_twitter_follow'/>
<a addthis:userid='YOUR_21DIGITS_GOOGLE_ID_NUMBER' class='addthis_button_google_follow'/>
<script src='http://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js#pubid=xa-4fc45c1055e1a77b' type='text/javascript'/>

  • Save template.


For your better help-

Texts in RED are to be replaced.
What is FB profile? www.facebook.com/YOUR-FB-PROFILE
You must be knowing you twitter username.
What is 21 digit google id? Open Google+ > Profile > See address bar. You will see 21 digit numbers, that’s your Google profile id.

Discovered by Husain Kapadia. To follow me on facebook click here, to follow on twitter click here, to follow on Google+ click here.

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